User-journey for campaigns


Development Time

These projects are from my time at DIRECTV from 2011-2013.




Digital Creative team, marketing

  • UX writing 100% 100%
  • User journey 80% 80%
  • Analytics 60% 60%

Creating a simpler user-flow



At DTV I worked on multiple different sweepstakes, fundraisers, and other types of campaigns where the goal was to get users to like DIRECTV on Facebook. The issue was that I would often get directions from marketing on what to achieve, then only get a 130 character banner to achieve it.

The James Bond project below started on a banner then led to DTV’s facebook where there was a dedicated contest entry tab. When I first wrote these banners, users weren’t entering at the rate that we anticipated. This banner was displayed on the DTV website and we discovered that users thought they’d entered when they hit the “Enter now” button.



After speaking with analytics, I realized we needed our banners to showcase the content prize, but at the same time instruct users more clearly on how to enter. We needed them to know that they were actually entering the contest on Facebook, not via our website banners (pictured below). I re-wrote the copy and added “Like DIRECTV on Facebook,” to ensure participants knew they had to do this step to enter.



The analytics team confirmed that my strategy worked and was getting much more sign ups. The Jamese Bond banner you see below is the finalized version.

The Donors Choose campaign (next) was done at a later date when we applied our findings from the Bond contest to make our content entry user flow easier to understand. For this campaign, anyone who clicked on the banner went straight to a post on their Facebook profile autofilled with the tags.

That year, we more than doubled DIRECTV’s facebook presence.

conversion flow